Children born between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014 must apply ready to start school in September 2018 – or risk losing out on a place.

If you haven’t got around to putting in your application, you must make sure you have done it by 15th January 2018. It can seem a daunting process so here is a little guidance.

When is the primary school application deadline date in the UK?

You must apply for a primary school place by 11.59pm on Monday, January 15.

Submitting a late application significantly reduces your child’s chance of an offer at one of your three preferred schools.

But it is important to make sure you have fully researched the schools on your list.

Most of the information you will need can be found on the schools’ websites, including:

  • Details of the curriculum
  • Admission criteria
  • Links to Ofsted reports
  • Links to performance data

You can also get advice about choosing schools from your local council, as each one has teams to help parents get their children into schools.

What is the primary school admission criteria?

Applications for next year’s enrolment opened on 1st September 2017.

Parents will be asked to list the schools they are applying for in order of preference.

Make sure you include proof of your child’s date of birth with your application by sending a copy of your child’s passport or short birth certificate to the school Admissions Team.

You must apply for at least 3 schools incase your child misses out.

Admission criteria is different for each school.

If you have an older child at a school, but do not live within the school’s catchment area, it’s possible your younger child may not be offered a place at the same school.

How do I get the right forms to apply for a primary school place?

Go online to where you will be asked to give your postcode.

It takes you to your local council website where you can make your application. If you are in Cheshire East please go to:

You can either fill in the form online or order the paper forms to be delivered to your home address.

When will you find out if your child’s application is successful?

Parents will know if their child has been accepted around April 1st when councils send out a confirmation letter.

If the date falls on a weekend, a letter will be sent the next working day.

If you want to appeal against the decision, the letter will tell you how.

You must appeal against each rejection separately.

Good luck to all parents in their applications, we know the summer will be with us in no time at all!