30 Free Hours & Tax Free Childcare

30 Free Hours & Tax Free Childcare

Reconfirming your eligibility for 30 hours free childcare and/or Tax-Free Childcare This is a gentle reminder to all parents that you need to apply every three months for your 30 free hours childcare and/or Tax-free Childcare services. This is to reconfirm your...
Messy and Sensory Play

Messy and Sensory Play

At First Steps we are always keen to expand the activities and tasks we do with our children. Lately, we have been doing lots more sensory play in all our rooms as we have noticed how much the children enjoy it. From using rocks and pebbles in our ‘Holidays’ theme to...
New Room Is Now Open

New Room Is Now Open

We announced in the last newsletter that our new room was set to open – it is now officially open, it’s already had lots of fingers and toes exploring it. The room is full of toys, activities, games, sensory play items and bits and bobs for messy play, as well as the...
GDPR Form & Update

GDPR Form & Update

Sorry, we are sure, like all the team here, you’ve been inundated with emails for the last few weeks about GDPR, but as a business that holds personal data, we are obliged to do our bit. We have sent a form home with all parents to read through and fill in. Please do...
The Grass Is Definitely Greener

The Grass Is Definitely Greener

First Steps is excited to announce, we now have a new area of grass for all the children to enjoy all year round. The artificial grass is perfect for the younger members of First Steps too, as they can play without getting muddy or damp, we’ve already had lots of...